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Former CoConstruct Account Manager: Why I Chose Ressio

Learn why I joined the Ressio team and why I'm excited about the future here

June 26

Construction management software (CMS) often share a similar suite of features, but quality can differ in terms of ease of use, look and feel, and operational workflows. When shopping for a CMS solution, builders demo different products and compare features across multiple platforms, but how often do the providers of CMS solutions get in-depth experience with multiple products?

Six years ago I began my Customer Success career at CoConstruct and today I’m one of the first coaches at Ressio. Here’s why I chose Ressio.

Obstacles to Adoption

“Why am I being taught to build a rocket when all I want is to drive across town?” Mitchell Kasselman, CEO

My job is to help builders succeed using my software. When my builders win, I win. The data indicates that the LONGER it takes a builder to integrate CMS into their daily routine, the HIGHER the chance they’ll give up, cancel, and go somewhere else. So, I want my CMS to be as easy to use as possible.

Based on my experience with CMS, here are the three common EASE OF USE obstacles:

1. Data Loss: Losing your data is so discouraging and time wasting! Save buttons should be visible and prompts should warn you before exiting without saving. Ressio does this, but goes one better with auto-saving. As you work through most areas of Ressio the site automatically saves your progress, no searching for the save button. Never lose your data again.

2. Click Fatigue: Ever get so lost changing a setting you forget how to get back to the page you were on? Older programs can be labyrinthine in some areas, with each click taking you to a new page farther away from your goal. Not with Ressio. Feature areas are a click away. Most options open in side drawers or drop down menus. No more pulling over to ask for directions.

3. Information Overload: Construction requires juggling a ton of things at once, sometimes literally. 🤹‍♂️ Software should solve this problem, not replicate it with a jumbled page of data, text, and links. Ressio has a clean look, avoiding the “bazooka” approach of overwhelming users with information.

Sophisticated Design

Ressio boasts impressive core functionality. Notably, their scheduling tools are feature-rich and highly customizable, and their Spec page is a true “Scope-of-Work” information and communication hub. They’ve even added flexibility to three-level estimating to address years of user feedback.

Upon first sight, I became initially concerned that the menu bar seemed lighter than what I had before. And this is when I learned of two significant design improvements: the Approvals page, and the Lock Estimate Baseline button.

Here are three features that stood out to me during my first impression:

1. Flexible three-level estimating: When you see as many estimates as I do, it begins to feel like no two are structured alike. Why confine builders to a rigid two-level estimate OR require an unnecessary three-level estimate? With Ressio, builders have the flexibility to utilize both options within the same estimate. Perhaps more impressive, Ressio offers the ability to add client choices to the third level, giving builders even more customization options for their estimates.

2. Approvals: The Approvals page consolidates all Change Orders, Selections, Proposals, Bids, and Purchase Orders in one organized location. Each type of approval document is neatly categorized in tabs, displaying essential information like status, price, and due date in clearly defined columns. Instead of navigating to another page when you click to view and update a Selection, a side drawer expands to the right. See what I mean about ease of use?

3. Lock Estimate Baseline: Change order management has been a pain point for many of my builders over the years. The Lock Estimate Baseline button makes creating a change order in Ressio quick and easy. Once the contract for a project is signed, “lock” the estimate and now any price changes made on the estimate can easily become a change order. Unlock it to undo changes or correct errors. Ressio recognizes the need for versatility.

Building for the Future

Ressio is built upon a solid foundation to allow for a rapid rollout of new features and enhancements. Our  team of industry veterans is focused and driven to modernize construction software and help builders achieve success quicker than ever before. Our feature roadmap includes some popular requests and potential game changers.

Here are two features I’m excited about in the future:

1. Resource Calendar (NOW LIVE): Ressio just released its all-task viewer to allow users to manage tasks across ALL projects on a single page. This feature provides value across different roles in construction and has the potential for some industry-leading enhancements down the road.

2. More AI Integration: I’m a believer in AI’s potential and excited about its future at Ressio. We’ve already integrated AI into the Daily Log. Imagine AI parsing information to create tasks or reviewing schedules to predict delays before they occur. The possibilities are endless.

Transitioning to a new job, like transitioning to a new software solution, can be daunting, time consuming, and potentially costly. But as someone who’s had to learn and teach several CMS programs, getting up to speed in Ressio has been the smoothest I’ve experienced. I’m excited to be part of Ressio’s journey and look forward to helping our builders succeed.

Written by Andy Roy, Customer Success Coach

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